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The Foundation

Aiming the promotion of culture and music and the study of the musical works, the Fundation offers to the visitor a museum where get closer to the universal guitarrist and composer  through personal belongings, furniture and intimate documents related to the artist: Sheets, press, concert programmes, pictures...

Foundation's mission

  • Promotion of the message transmited by the Maestro Andres Segovia, both to general culture and music, specially by the elevation of the guitar to an instrument completelly integrated in the greatest international music halls, achieving that the greatest composers of his time composed numerous works for his guitar.


  • The study of the renowed musician work.


  • The continuous rememberance of his figure and the acomplishment of different activities related to Music, such as guitarr and other instruments concerts, contests, creation of fellowships to musical studies, conferences and talks...


  • Release of publicantions, encourage agreements and exanges with national and international entities and, in general, undertake the required actions to foster the acomplishment of its goals.


Fundación Andrés Segovia

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+34 953 65 09 36

+34 953 65 13 90

Canovas del Castillo, 59
23700-Linares (Jaén) (España)

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